It’s been more than six months since my last post. Although it seems like it’s only been six days, a lot has changed in this time. The first and biggest news is that we are expecting a new family member to join us in June. We are all super excited, especially Didi. 🙂

A few words about my pregnancy
The first three months of the pregnancy were pretty hard for me. In addition to nausea (fortunately without vomiting), the worst part for me was extreme fatigue. This is also the main reason why I haven’t been active on the blog for so long. I have planned to post about my perennial plant haul from my visit at Golob-Klancic perennial nursery and my progress with planting the farm garden. This is the time to tell you that all the perennials back in autumn got their place in the garden and have successfully survived this winter This year we have already been greeted with the first flower by my new white tree peony (Paeonia ostii). 🙂

However, even after the first trimester has passed, juggling between work, pregnancy, housework, and other projects turned out to be too much for me to be able to write a blog. Partly also because I invest a lot of time and effort into every post, spending a lot of time perfecting the text (if you couldn’t already tell – English is not my first language) and taking photos to go with every post.
I’m in the last trimester now and the biggest hurdle is my ever-growing belly. My inability to bend and properly move is mainly shown in the garden, where I use all kinds of strange positions to complete even the most basic of gardening tasks. I’m still determined that the garden will be fully tendered this year as well. Especially because there will be three of us to enjoy its produce during the winter. The arrival of a baby is only an additional motivation for me to try and produce as much fresh home-grown vegetables as I can. My baby boy will enjoy it both through my milk during breastfeeding and later when we introduce solid foods.
For the time being it seems that my plan will come to reality since all the beds in the garden are already fully planted. In the time of my after-birth recovery, I’m also counting on the help of the family, especially my mom, who will od her lion’s share with the weeding and watering of the garden. 🙂
I’ve also decided to go on and continue to write my blog because as I said in my first post – this is kind of my online diary and I’ll be adding a new chapter to it – the chapter about Family.

What to expect from the House by the woods in the future
The house by the woods will still be full of home-made recipes and tips for a simple and healthy life. But in the future the blog will become somewhat more personal because there are big changes happening in my personal life and you are very welcome to come along for the ride :). I will be posting about my family life, some baby spam may also be included. Aljaz and I have also decided to make House by the woods more family friendly. In the future we will undertake extensive house renovation, which I will also write about on the blog. Besides parenting, the renovation will certainly be one of the biggest challenges of the next year.
Following this news, the appearance of the blog will also slightly change.
There will be a new menu section called Family which will be filled with anecdotes and personal experiences on this new path that awaits me.
You are also invited to visit the new section House renovation, which has replaced the About the House section. Here you will be able to follow the renovation of a typical Slovenian house from the 60’s.

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