Over 10 years ago my parents have taken over an abandoned homestead where my grandmother was born. With exception of a small plateau where used to be three little fields and now serves as goat pasture, the whole homestead is located on the hillside. No matter where you want to go, there will be a steep road leading you there. On the hillside above the old house is an old orchard with heritage apple, pear and cherry fruit trees that were grafted to seedlings and therefore have a very tall growth.Continue Reading
Articles from August 2017
Lemon catnip
You’ve probably heard of catnip (Nepeta cataria) which is loved by cats. During my research of (what I thought to be) an unknown mint variety that is growing in the edge of my garden since the beginning of time I found out that if was actually lemon catnip (Nepeta cataria ssp. citriodora) which is pretty common in Slovenian gardens and commonly mistaken for lemon balm. Unlike real catnip, her lemon sister doesn’t attract cats and has a pleasant citrus-minty smell. While catnip’s blossoms are purple-blue color, lemon catnip’s blossoms are white.Continue Reading
Homemade tomato sauce
This year I was finally able to produce bigger quantities of tomatoes (I wrote a little bit about me growing tomatoes in containers right here). Because I seemed that we won’t be able to eat it all fresh I decided to make some homemade tomato sauce. Because I didn’t really have a tried and true recipe I decided to experiment a bit and I’m very happy with the result so I decided to share the recipe here in case someone else might find it useful. 🙂Continue Reading
How to grow tomatoes in containers – first year
I’ve decided to experiment and try out a new approach in the garden (or better yet – by the garden). I’ve decided to grow tomatoes in containers. Homegrown tomatoes have been a big wish of mine for the past few years but it just didn’t work out due to environmental conditions in my garden.Continue Reading
Shrek smoothie
And here we go – my first 2€ smoothie recipe. The series is opened by Shrek smoothie which is named after the ogre from the well know animated movie. Shrek smoothie has become one of my favorite ways to disguise spinach for small (and adult) children. Because I don’t have kids I test my recipes on Aljaz who is pretty picky especially when it comes to green vegetables in all shapes and sizes. His comment about this smoothie was: “It great because you have to get through the healthy part (green) to get to the good (gray) and the best (brown) part.”.Continue Reading
How to make homemade coconut milk
Today I’m sharing a simple homemade coconut milk recipe. Because a lot of times I use yogurt in my smoothie recipes I want to provide an affordable alternative for all of you who may be lactose intolerant or vegan. The following homemade coconut milk is not only tasty but also affordable. Continue Reading
Grow Garlic and Braid Garlic Braids
We all know that vegetables are good for us, right? The one that we manage to produce at home and we put our time and effort into it usually tastes even better than the one we buy. Not many vegetables can surpass the garlic in its health benefits. So this post is my ode to homegrown garlic. All my attention and efforts were repaid this past week when I harvested my garlic. Garlic’s health benefits were known long before Google. They were known and written about in the old Egypt and also by the ancient Greeks and Romans. It’s also well known in Chinese medicine.Continue Reading
How to make homemade rose water
Homemade rose water – water made from roses. It’s valued in cosmetics, where they call it a magical beauty potion. French pastry chefs use it to prepare desserts. Some people around the world also believe in its healing powers – it’s supposed to help with a sore throat, but there is no evidence to support that claim.Continue Reading
Lake Bohinj Trip and Zero Waste Picnic
As a little f**k you to the heat that’s been unbearable the last week we decided that it was time for refreshment. As a change of scenery, we took a short break from working at home and in the garden and went on an afternoon trip to Lake Bohinj. By “we” I mean Aljaz, me and our dog Deedee.Continue Reading
Vegetable soup
Vegetable soup that I decided to prepare today is so easy that I like to think that back in the day women would cook it with everything that could be found in the garden at the time. It’s so easy to make, yet so delicious!Continue Reading